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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
AMUL MEDIUM FAT ice cream 30
ANAND ice cream 30
ANANTHA ice creams 30
ANGEL ice-cream 29
ANMOL ice creams 30
ANUN COCO-CHOCO ice cream 30
ANUN COCO-CHOCO ice creams 34
APPU ice cream +elephant 30
APSARA ice-cream +fruits 30
ARCTIC ice 29
AVE DAIRY FOODS (ice creams 30
BABA ice cream 30
BABULAL ice cream +cone 29
BACHELORR'S ice cream +chef 29
BALA-G ice cream +oval 30
BASKIN ROBBINS ice cream 30
BAWA ice cream 30
BELL'S ice cream 30
BENNY'S boom!! ice creams 30
BERRISTA ice cream 30
BILAL ice cream +oval ribbo 30
BINA'S HOME-MADE ice-cream 42
BINNY ice cream +clown 30
BLUE ice 33
BLUE BERRY ice creams 30
BODYGUARD ice candy +man 30
BODYGUARD BOLD ice candy 30
BOOGIES ice cream 30
BOWRING kulfi & ice cream 30
BRINDA ice cream 30
BUTTER MAK ice cream 30
CA COOL apple ice cream 30
CADBURY'S 5 star ice cream 30
CALYX ice-cream 29
CARLTON gb black ice beer 32
CATCH ice creams 30
CELESTY ice cream 30
CHAITRA SHETTY ice cream 30
CHANDAN ice cream +circles 30
CHAWLA ice cream 30
CHILLS ice cream +ovals 30
CHINKU ice candy +leaves 30
CHINU ice candy +fruits 30
CHOICE ice creams 29
CHOPRA ice cream 30
CLINIC all clear ice cool 3, 5
COD ice 5
COOL BITE ice cream 30
COOL KING ice cream +man 30
CORNER HOUSE ice creams 30
COW BELL ice creams +cartoo 30
CRAZY ice cream +arcs ovals 30
CRAZY ice-cream +oval 30
CREAM CENTRE ice cream 30
CREAM CENTRE ice cream work 43
CREAM GOLD ice cream 30
CREAMICA ice cream +ovals 30
CRYSTAL ice cubes +glass 30
D'LISH ice cream +oval 29
DAIRY CLASSIC ice cream 30
DAIRY DAY ice cream +oval 30
DAIRY DEW ice creams +oval 30
DAIRY FRESH ice creams 30
DAIRY KING ice cream +oval 30
DAIRY PRO ice creams +oval 29
DAIRY SMART ice creams +tic 30
DAIRY TREAT ice cream 30
DENTYNE ice 30
DESAI ice cream 29
DEW SOFT FRESH ice-cream 29
DIAMOND ice candy +diamond 30
DIIP ice cream 30
DILBAHAR ice cream 30
DILBAHAR ice-cream +oval 30
DIP ice creams 30
DOLLS ice creams dream tast 30
DONALD'S ice cream vanilla 30
DOWN TOWN ice cream 30
DREYER'S GRAND ice cream 30
DRIM DALE ice cream 30
DULLOPS ice cream 30
ELAN'S SONATA ice creams 30
ENJOY ice cream +hills 30
ENNAAR ice cream +square 30
ENZO italian ice cream 30
EXOTICA premium ice cream 30
FANCY ice cream +oval 30
FIRE & ice 30
FIRE N ice 33
FREEZO ice cream 30
FRIENDLY ice cream +face 30
FROSTEE ice-cream 30
FROSTY ice creams 30
FRUIT ICE CREAM +ice cream 34
FUN ice creams vanilla 30
FUN FLAVOURS ice cream 30, 43
FUN SCOOP ice cream 30
G.N. ice cream 30
GA ice cream +oval 30
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